As of 25 May 2018 the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) entered into effect.

The aforesaid regulation is applicable to the processing of any personal data. Any client that agrees to an engagement letter with VDDB automatically accepts that VDDB is entitled to process these data. VDDB shall process personal data only with respect to executing the engagement. Personal data shall not be provided to any third party, except in case of a statutory obligation to do so.

Personal data shall not be retained for a longer period of time than statutory required. VDDB has taken appropriate technical and organizational safety measures to prevent loss, abuse and illegal access. We agreed upon a processor agreement with a third party that processes personal data of our clients on our behalf.

Clients are entitled to certain rights under the GDPR, such as the right to access, correct and delete personal data. Please be referred to the GDPR (articles 15 up and until 20) for further information.

Should you have any questions with regard to this privacy statement, please contact us by phone on +31 20 240 2440 or